
A limited number of late registrations for the Fono and Fono dinner are now available. Please email fono@pacificperspectives.co.nz to request a late registration.
You must be registered to attend the Fono on Tuesday 29 October and Wednesday 30 October 2024. ​​​Fono registrations include refreshments and lunch.
A Fono Reception & Dinner will be held on the evening of day one, Tuesday 29 October 2024.
The Fono reception will begin at 5:30pm and is open to all Fono attendees. The Fono dinner will begin at 6:30pm and entry to the dinner will be registration only.
For all enquires email: fono@pacificperspectives.co.nz
There is accommodation available at the Fono venue, the Waipuna Hotel and Conference Centre at 58 Waipuna Road, Mt Wellington, Auckland. If you require accommodation, please book your room directly with the Waipuna Hotel. Early bookings will ensure room availability.
​Bookings can be made by calling the Waipuna Hotel reservations team on 09 526 3003 or emailing res@waipunahotel.co.nz. When booking accommodation, a credit card may be requested to secure the booking.​​ Please use the Fono booking code PACI 1124 to access our conference room-only rate of NZD$229.00 per night, or NZD$267.00 including breakfast.

Contact Us
For all enquiries contact the team at:
Pacific Perspectives Ltd
info@pacificperspectives.co.nz | +64 21 272 5227